Friday, June 20, 2008


The success of any nation is determined by how hardworking and cooperative the people of that nation are. I believe there are intelligent people everywhere. Not all countries are born with opportunities but any country can make opportunities for its own people. There are many countries which are great examples of what a country can become if its people are good. Israel, singapore, japan, germany are just some of the examples for this. They have gone from being in very bad state to being world leaders in various fields.
The biggest reason for this in my opinion is that the people are very hard working, visionary and support each other. Even if i cannot do something but help another who can do it I would be doing a big service to the community.
Unfortunately that is not true in many cultures and it never ceases to annoy me. People don't do things themselves also and obstruct others too. I will not do and i will not let you do also. You have a fresh idea which is very different , revolutionary and does not fit my ideas. Therefore I will obstruct you. I will not encourage you. I cannot come to your level therefore I will bring you down to my level.
This is the attitude these people have and I find it very disgusting.
May their tribe reduce.

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