Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stand up for yourself

Sometimes inspite of your best efforts you don't seem to be doing things right. It could be that one subject in which you always reach bottom of the class even if you work very hard. It could be the results of your pursuit for something.
It could also be that you made a choice in life and everybody comes hollering at you, demanding to know how could you do it?! Without being judgemental about your past choices or decisions my advice for that is to stand by them. The decisions you make are made at a particular time with certain thoughts. They are never right or wrong. Don't let second, third and future thoughts trouble you. Whatever decision you made was right at that time. Leave things at that. Thinking about them again doesn't change them. So one must learn to accept them and stand by them. Tell yourself, "I made that decision in a particular frame of mind. It was right at that point of time and I refuse to get affected by what others say of it now. I stand by my decision. "
Once we accept our old decisions its so easy to move forward with life.
Judging can sometimes be such a waste of time, isn't it?
It doesn't change anything but you loose the precious moments you had in hand. So don't judge. Just move forward.Stand by yourself no matter what. (Always try to take informed decisions though.)

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